Read this, sorry that 3 years ago i was being a massive troll, i was doing really terrible reviews on the games of this awesome flash portal. Mbot was banning me when i made the epic failure review on some game that i don't know. Then i to bad blog posts with lolcats and other images, and stupid blog posts. A month later i got unbanned, then i will do good reviews about the games. And looks like i am learning to do an animation, 4 years ago, i was doing really terrible animations and the staff deleted my animations, but for now, 1 year ago i make games with StencylWorks, and looks like this year, StencylWorks 2.0 is in beta, but i can't try the beta for now. If the beta is over, it's out!! AND I WILL TRY IT ALONG!!! FUCK YEEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!
Also, if you want to reveal my really super real name, it's Super Guy, THE REAL CREATOR OF SUPAGUYGAMES!!!!
Also, i don't have stencylworks pro to publish iOS games to the app store, i need to get GameSalad when i have a Mac on the birthday. I think my first animation will be Megaman UD (Unova Destation), the megaman fanseries where robot masters invades Unova (the region from pokemon black and white), alright, that's all, see you soon, and also, LONG POST BLOG EVAH!!!!!!!